The future of legal IT

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An Exclusive Interview with LawWare’s Warren Wander.

the future of Legal IT by Warren Wander

Warren Wander, the visionary behind LawWare, has been at the forefront of UK legal technology for almost three decades. In this exclusive interview, he shares his insights and vision for the future of legal IT.

Warren’s perspective provides a unique glimpse into the evolving landscape of legal technology and its potential impact on law firms and the wider legal profession.

Q: Warren, what does the future hold for legal IT, and what do you believe are the primary drivers of this transformation?

Warren Wander (WW): The future is both exciting and challenging. Technology is reshaping the legal industry, and we’re seeing several key drivers leading this transformation. Firstly, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionise routine legal tasks, liberating legal professionals to focus on higher-value work. Secondly, cybersecurity will remain paramount, as safeguarding sensitive data is critical. Additionally, remote work and data analytics will redefine the way legal services are delivered. These drivers will shape the future of legal IT.

Q: Could you elaborate on the role of automation and AI?

WW: Automation and AI will be game-changers. They will streamline tasks like contract review, legal research, and document analysis, offering greater efficiency and accuracy. Law firms must embrace these technologies to boost productivity and provide enhanced services to their clients. It’s about augmenting the legal profession, not replacing it, and the legal regulators should cautiously encourage firms to examine these tools.

Q: Cybersecurity is a pressing concern nowadays. How do you see its role evolving?

WW: Cybersecurity will continue to be a top priority. As law firms store sensitive client information electronically, protecting it is paramount. The future will see the development of more advanced cybersecurity measures along the lines that LawWare is now delivering. Firms need to be well-prepared and educated on the latest cybersecurity best practices.

Q: Recent years brought the wider adoption of remote work. How will this evolve?

WW: Remote working is here to stay. The pandemic forced legal professionals to adapt quickly, but the benefits of remote work are evident. The future will focus on providing seamless communication and collaboration tools. The UK Law Societies should be proactive in providing resources and training to help members navigate this new landscape.

Q: Data analytics and legal predictive tools are gaining prominence. How can these they shape the future of legal decision-making?

WW: Data analytics and predictive tools offer invaluable insights. They can predict case outcomes, assess the strengths of legal arguments, and optimise resource allocation. Their aim is not to replace legal savvy but to enhance the quality of legal services and improve client outcomes. It’s about making informed, data-driven decisions.

Q: How can the legal community adapt to changes such as e-discovery and virtual courts?

WW: Virtual courts will make legal proceedings more accessible and efficient. E-discovery tools can streamline the review of electronic evidence. The UK Law Societies have a role to play here in providing its members with the necessary training on virtual court procedures and e-discovery tools, ensuring that they can adapt seamlessly to these innovations.

Q: How should UK Law Societies prepare their members for the future of legal IT, and what role does continuous legal education play in this?

WW: UK Law Societies should prioritise continuous legal education focused on technology. This ensures that members remain well-informed about emerging legal IT trends, maintain their competence, and successfully adapt to the changing legal landscape. Technology is constantly evolving, and ongoing education is essential for staying at the forefront of the field.


Warren Wander paints a vivid picture of the future of legal IT. Embracing these challenges is the key to navigating this digital frontier. UK Law Societies, with the help of visionaries like Warren, are well-positioned to support their members and ensure they thrive in this digital age. As we journey forward, the legal community stands ready to conquer the digital frontier and provide efficient and effective legal services for the 21st century.

Warren Wander, CEO, LawWare Ltd.

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